
Acupuncture has been practiced in China since the Stone Age. It was first mentioned in the Huang Di Nei Jing (《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) in the second century B.C., which is the earliest and most significant written work of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Over time, acupuncture theories have evolved and modernized.

Acupuncture is a fundamental aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves inserting small needles into specific points along the muscles, nerves, tendons, and fascia to correct imbalances in the body’s qi, the energy that flows through channels called meridians.

Image of Doctor

How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture helps the body regain its natural healing ability and return to homeostasis. It promotes blood and oxygen circulation, stimulating the nerves and nervous system.

By inserting needles into specific points, acupuncture rectifies imbalances in the body’s qi. Stress, trauma, and unhealthy lifestyle choices can obstruct qi flow, as meridians serve as communication channels between the brain and the body’s structures.

Benefits of Acupuncture

  • Decreasing inflammation and pain
  • Enhancing digestion
  • Reducing stress and improving mood
  • Increasing circulation
  • Boosting immunity
  • Balancing hormone regulation

Conditions Treated

Acupuncture can treat various conditions, including:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is acupuncture painful?


No. Acupuncture needles are tiny, solid, and cause only slight pricking pain, similar to a mosquito bite.

Is acupuncture safe?


Yes, when administered by an accredited acupuncturist. It has fewer side effects compared to other medical therapies. Some swelling may occur at the needle insertion site.

How to prepare for treatment?


Eat a snack or light meal before treatment and wear loose clothing. Drink water after treatment to stabilize your energy.

What to expect during treatment?


Relax on a treatment table while needles are gently inserted into specific points. Soft music may play during the session.

Treatment duration?


Typically, sessions last 20 to 30 minutes, depending on individual needs.

Specific Services at our Clinics

  • Traditional Acupuncture: Utilizing time-honored techniques to balance the body’s qi.
  • No Needle, No Pain Acupuncture: A gentle approach for those who prefer needle-free treatments.
  • Ear Acupuncture: Targeting specific points on the ear to address various health issues.
  • Scalp Acupuncture: Focusing on points on the scalp to treat neurological and psychological conditions.
  • Pi Needles Acupuncture: Using specialized needles to target deep tissue and chronic pain.
  • Moxibustion Therapy: Using heat from burning moxa to stimulate acupuncture points and improve health.

Where can you find us?

1210 Ouellette Ave.Windsor, ON, Canada N8X 1J5

24025 Greater Mack Ave, MI, USA 48080

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